"My other computer isn't working too well right now, so I'm using a different e-mail service to send you this message, I hope you get it OK.  Tonight's result was Draw.  It was a completely insane finish, Chris had an easy win but he too was low on time (I had exactly 2 seconds left, he had well under a minute), and played a key tempo-wasting move, that allowed me to have just enough time to get his last pawn, and a draw was agreed. While its true he had an easy win and missed it in the time pressure, if I hadnt blundered on move 30 in severe time pressure, I would've won very easily instead, so it was sort of fair how it all worked out in the end.
I'd like to say once again, Leland, that I think your idea for the Christmas Party is outstanding, I will definitely be there, and I'm sure the turnout will be very big!"