Asheville Event vs. Big Cookie I
by NM Leland Fuerstman

Charlotte 1-15-15: NM LF: I was thinking about playing in that big tournament in Asheville next weekend but after I looked at the cutoff for my section, I changed my mind. 500 points?; are you kidding me? And, half of the "B" players play down, while the other half play up? Whose ridiculous design is that? And, what's with the payback? How much profit are these guys allowed to make? I'll see you at Big Cookie I.
Jason "1st Amendment" Mytrysak

Jason: I
can understand an occasional organizer's desire to do something "creative," but the parameters of the sections at next weekend's tournament in Asheville simply don't make sense?! Their curious design may require a player with a rating of 1700 to be paired against a 2199 player?! Or, a 1200 to play a 1699 player?! ...a 499 point disparity? No tournament in Europe or anywhere else, for that matter, would employ such a convoluted system, generally deferring to sections based upon one's class. A legitimate compromise would be to have a Championship Section of 2000 and above, and combine the "A" & "B", the "C" & "D" and the 1200 & Below at least reducing the gap to 400 points. But, who cares about legitimacy?

Regardless, I wish Good Luck to all of the CCC members who intend to participate in Asheville; ...and, make sure to bring home your share of the 62.2% payback?
(The Charlotte Chess Club always pays back 75%, Asheboro 90%!!) Unfortunately, the state organization enforces absolutely no control over percentage of payback. In my opinion, small events should return at least 75% and larger ones 90%. According to the math, if 225 players actually participate in Asheville, the lone 1st Place winner of the Top Section would receive $1,600 and the organizer would pocket approximately $8,500!?, a sum more than 5 times greater than the 1st Prize!? So much for altruism...

According to one popular CCC member, "I decided to take my wife and play in the Lower Section; so I booked a room at the hotel and then tried to enter on-line...? But, to my amazement, after I called the phone number, it simply circled me back to more info about the event?! I then realized that I had to "mail" the entry in? I thought they stopped doing that in the 80's... Have they never heard of credit cards or "PayPal?!" Rich "Alert" Trela 

Now, for those chess players, like me, who are not inclined to pay an almost $100 Entry Fee, gas, food and lodging for 3 days in order to drive 125 miles to a destination where the reception could be as icy cold as the inclement weather, there is another far less expensive alternative. If, per chance, you are unable to make the trip to Asheville, then you are cordially invited to join us on Saturday, January 24 to participate in Big Cookie I, which will be held for the first time at McAlister's Deli. CCC members pay an Entry Fee of only $20 ($5 extra for non-members). And, don't worry about having to drive somewhere for lunch... since McAlister's Deli has healthy, delicious food at very competitive prices! (No Tip!) Plus, for your comfort and convenience, we will be using an entire private section of booths with padded chairs and a hanging lamp over each table!! The "spacious" McAlisters Deli is an excellent venue for tournament chess. Coupled with it's full size tables (2 per table) and padded seats, great lighting and modern, 3 port rest rooms, after lunch, the room is as quiet as a library!

I will see you at McAlister's Deli on Saturday, January 24 at 9:45am! First player to record a win, gets a FREE Big Cookie!!

NM Leland Fuerstman
Charlotte Chess Club