FLASH: 8-12-15  According to inside sources, it was reported to me that NCCA President Kevin Hyde has resigned! I trust this information to be accurate. Otherwise, why has Hyde not stepped forward and made a formal declaration one way or the other? Considering the unbelievable litany of excuses which have been posted on the NCCA forum by VP Jeff "Pig" Jones, just be prepared for the same negligence which we have endured for years. Jones has already proven that he is not a good manager of anything. (As Editor of the CCC website, I don't make excuses. I just do the job... the CCC website is accurate, informative and up to date). -- A few years ago, before he was fired by chess bully Gary Newsom, Tom Hales did an excellent job as Editor of the NCCA website. Find out if he's available and offer him a good deal... Right now, the NCCA is in shambles. The officers (who still remain) have ignored the responsibility of promoting the Invitational, again. They have $18,000 in the bank, but don't have the money?? Stop using "scholastic" anything as an excuse. The NCCA is an adult organization. Scholastic players are not even members!? What a bunch of Buncombe...