Where is the NCCA Annual Report?
by NM Leland Fuerstman

Note: Though it is not mentioned anywhere on the NCCA website, it is my understanding that CCC member 15 year old NM Daniel Cremisi "won the trophy on tie-break," whereupon I assume he has been crowned North Carolina State Champion! How can they possibly neglect to mention that?

So, they hit a home run at the N.C. Championship? M
ore like an "inside the park" home run...?! considering the fact that the event was one of the most poorly attended state championships in recent history? (5 sections, 74 players) And, the prize fund was hardly any special benevolent show of respect to our states finest players... some receiving $20 checks!? (It's amazing how 30 years ago, with a $40 EF, we were able to pay "Big" George Melton $500 for his first place finish - in the Amateur Section!!).

As usual, only the bare bones of information has been posted on the NCCA website, with a promise that "a
n accompanying article will be forthcoming..." Now, ten days later, I don't recommend that you hold your breath - they haven't even removed the ad yet?! LOL. Modern human beings need instant information! Any competent Editor would have immediately posted a comprehensive article, not only including images & results, but a standard narrative of the progress of the winner throughout the event and his (their) games. After all, it was the State Championship. There are many noteworthy human interest stories at every chess tournament! Yet, sharing them doesn't seem to be very important to the powers that be. Nor did anyone think to spend a few dollars and assign someone the task of writing such an article? That same lack of foresight affected the 2015 NC Invitational as well, which has apparently been cancelled?

I wonder how many "members" showed up at the annual meeting this year? Where are the official minutes of that meeting and why hasn't the Annual Report been published on their website? (nor even addressed by even one single officer nor member on their forum?) Some ex-members would like to know how much of that $19,000 they still have remaining in their treasury? Were Sec/Treas Tom Kabasakalian and VP of Scholastics Venkataraja Shanmugavadivel even present at the meeting? The organization continues to hide behind a curtain of secrecy. Getting anyone of them to publicly make a statement is like pulling teeth?! One can only assume that their "Annual Report" will be "forthcoming."

Finally, I take no pride in stating that a few zealous members actually congratulated me for winning the "war" against Gary Newsom - who recently announced his retirement from organizing chess events. Though, in the beginning, our rhetoric may have resembled friendly political discourse, it ultimately became personal. Unfortunately, statements were made which we may each now regret. However, all of that was contested over the internet in E-mails and chat rooms and on message boards and forums. The fact is, during his many years as a member of the CCC and after, in public, Gary Newsom has always been polite and friendly to me and everyone else. I hold no grudges and wish him well. I would like to think that if there is to be any "war" in our future, it will be fought over the chess board. Gary is certainly welcome to participate at the Charlotte Chess Club.

NM Leland Fuerstman