NCCA Officers Get Failing Marks
By NM Leland Fuerstman

I'm really not sure which of the last 3 NCCA administrations was worse?! Some officers were motivated by fame and fortune, a couple by power and a few others just didn't seem to give a damn. One zealous president tampered with a 75 year old rule which has resulted in the lowest membership numbers in decades?? And, those officers who did give a damn, resigned their positions in protest, yet that news was always kept secret and never revealed; secret like everything else, including the balance and details of all transactions of the bank account. Every member should have a right to know those details. Otherwise, with absolutely no oversight, things could get a bit out of control with a balance of $19,000!

Over the past 5 years, spontaneously motivated zealots have promised a  revised "Gambit," special memorials, complicated "Grand Prixs," weekly chess news updates and up to date results and feature stories on their website! Yet, in each case, after a few feeble attempts, none of those active programs nor columns have ever come to fruition. Though a few of the still remaining members occasionally complain about their dissatisfaction with the NCCA website, very little seems to have changed. Instead, it's getting worse? The last posting of chess news was for the North Carolina State Championship which transpired at the end of October? NCCA Vice President Jeff "Pig" Jones apparently serves as the "website editor." The porcine puppet posted 4 images without a crosstable and promised that "an accompanying article will be forthcoming!" Now, 43 days later, still no article... In fact, since his last posting, literally dozens of events have taken place around the state with absolutely no acknowledgement to the winners whatsoever? Sharing chess news is what it's all about. Completely neglecting that responsibility is a disservice to every chess player in this state and a disgrace to those who are responsible.

Confusion about using tie-break systems and poor turnout notwithstanding, the 2015 NC State Championship should have been one of the most newsworthy events in many years! After all, there was a non-ceremonious "changing of the guard" where 3 fifteen and sixteen year old Masters dominated the field and tied for 1st-3rd Place! Some personal information and a game from each Champion would have been appropriate. But, instead, nothing. Or, maybe the "Pig's" article is still "forthcoming." But, don't hold your breath.

As for the other WW appointees, President Kevin Hyde (1480) continues to do just that; hide. Not since his failed "open phone debates" where a total of 3  members bothered to participate, has he done much of anything?
Other than an occasional appearance as tournament director, since his election, not only has he failed to address his decision to abandon the 2015 NC Invitational, but President Hyde has neglected to post even one formal report on their website?

Vice President Jeff "Pig" Jones (1944) bounces back and forth from grand  promises to extravagant excuses. The only events which he seems to care about are the ones in which he is gainfully involved. Otherwise, he has completely neglected his responsibility as editor of the NCCA website.

Since his election, Vice President of Scholastics Venkataraja Shanmugavadivel (1419)
has neglected to say one word nor post even one formal report on their website? In fact, there is a question as to whether on not he has resigned his position?

Also rumored to have resigned is Secretary/Treasurer Tom Kabasakalian (1503) who never attempted to collect dues at major tournaments and still hasn't provided the annual financial report. Yet, no NCCA officer has made any official announcement one way or the other? Question: Were the VP of Scholastics and the Secretary/Treasurer even present at the annual meeting? Inquiring minds want to know! If not, I wonder who kept the minutes?! So much for our honored leaders of chess in North Carolina.

Yet, in spite of their ineptitude, chess continues to flourish in our state! But, that is because of the consorted efforts of active chess clubs and independent organizers and directors such as Gary Maltzman, Tom Hales, NM Peter Giannatos, NM Leland Fuerstman, Victor Beaman, Scott McInnis, NM Craig Jones, Dr. Tim Champion, Dr. Walter High and a few others to whom I apologize for not naming. And though I am a firm believer that entry fees should be reduced and scholarships increased, r
ecognition must also be given to the organizers of our many scholastic events. Chess events are taking place all of the time in North Carolina; the results are just not being reported!?
appy Holidays!

NM Leland Fuerstman
Charlotte Chess Club