022 - Leland:  As I'm sure you'll recall, we discussed the possibility of having a club vs. club match-up between Columbia and Charlotte.  I have defaulted on assembling a team for quite some time, mainly because I didn't feel that Columbia would be able to birth a team capable of giving the CCC's team any competition.  However, I think the tables are turning in Columbia, and that soon we may in fact be able to create a respectable team worthy of the challenge.  In any case, I was wondering if you would still be interested in collaborating on a few things.  For instance, are you involved in assisting with the up-coming Cajun Chess Tournament to be held in Charlotte?  If so, is there anything I can do as President of the SCCA, or President of the Midlands Chess Club, to make it a more successful venture?  As I am sure you are aware, I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for what you have done for the chess community, not just in Charlotte, but also in surrounding areas.  I think you could really help us get up and running with your experience and expertise.  Let me know what you think.  Also, I want to arrange a caravan of people from our Tuesday night competition to show their support by traveling to your Wednesday night competition.  Perhaps if I could arrange such a trip, you could return the favor with like.  In any case, a big name in chess is moving to Columbia, South Carolina to help with my fledgling chess business.  This person could undoubtedly increase interest in both of our cities.  I'll fill you in on the details as they become finalized. Thanks for your consideration in this matter.
James MacDougall, SCCA President