President Beaman:

I believe that your priorities are somewhat skewed. First of all, I think it was the North Carolina "Gran Prix" not "Grand" Prix and I was unable to open your file, so unless you E-mail it directly to me in the text, I won't know what your proposals are?!

From my recollection, the system was originally created by NC Scholastic Director guru Robert Singletary in the early 1980's. It was subsequently revised by me! My redesigned system worked quite well for many years after that. Ultimately, for whatever reasons, it faded out. (The reason was generally because of the ineptitude or laziness of the reigning president). Had you inquired, I would have been happy to share my wisdom with you. However, what I don't quite understand is the urgency for getting it done before Christmas??! There are far more urgent issues that need to be corrected for the NCCA than a new "Gran Prix" system?!

For instance, when one accesses the websites of various state chess organizations around the country, in almost every case the organization has their "mission," "constitution" and "bylaws" boldly posted on their website which the NCCA does not. I recommend that you communicate with as many past presidents as you can and ask them to send you anything they have relating to the NCCA and especially past issues of the "Carolina Gambit" which may have the terms of the gran prix as well as the constitution published. This way you could get a better grasp on things.

The rewriting of our constitution is the most important issued facing the NCCA. If you don't have one on display, in essence the NCCA is operating illegally. Oh, by the way, when I was President, I thought we had achieved the IRS Tax status of 501-C3 non-profit organization? Are you aware of that? (past Sec-Treas Ken Baxter might know) If so, do you have a history of the tax reports made and has the most recent one been submitted? Otherwise, you certainly can't advertise that the NCCA is a non-profit organization?

Not to offend my old friend Sec/Treas Gerbin Hoekstra, when I last looked, the NCCA membership rolls were extremely outdated to say the least. Who cares about the name of a person who expired 8 or 10 years ago? Only the names of current members should be maintained and published. And a concise list, including their E-mail addresses should be posted for all to see. In addition, for transparency sake, a complete breakdown of all financial business should be continually updated and published monthly, ie. the balance of our accounts, receipts, checks paid, to whom, for what reason, etc. All members have a right to observe this information.

By the way, who is responsible for the NCCA website now? In my opinion the page could use some significant upgrading with larger print and more modern buttons as well as more comprehensive content.

And, I am sure you are aware of my biggest gripe; that the North Carolina Championship be a closed event, which was clearly stated in our original constitution. We already have enough large "Open" events not to have to ruin the sovereignty of or state championship. And, did I correctly read that you intend to use NC directors and promoters for our next championship instead of using Thad Rogers from Georgia?! If that is true, it's a good start!!

As for now, please send me your "gran prix" proposal (not as an attachment) and I will review it. As for the urgency of getting it done so quickly, I recommend that you reevaluate your priorities a bit.

I am a past President who very much cares about the future of this organization. Regardless of whether you like me personally or not, I am available for your consultation. In fact, you may even call me  with questions or complaints!?

Do the right thing.

NM Leland Fuerstman,
1985 NCCA President

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Thank you for your advise. I will be looking into everything you have mentioned below and make the best decision for the state at the time that is right. Thank you again.
Victor Beaman,
NCCA President