"...And finally, as for my game with Ervon (yes, he's nice, too), ... On Black's move 15...Bh4 check, I should simply have moved my King to f2 right then. I wasn't worried about being invaded by Black's pieces because the King would have been on a white square, of course, and Black's white-squared Bishop was gone from the board. And his Queen was kind of bottled in. Besides, the Master - that's you - doesn't castle all that early himself. So my 16 g3?? move was the "nitwit" move for the night. I'm not sure that move 34 e4 was all that hot, either. If I had just laid low with my King for a move or two, I think I would have been better off. I knew a little later on that Black had not realized that, unlike him, I would Queen with check. I stopped recording moves after that, because he was in a time crunch and I wanted to keep it that way. "Wooden" Nichols could have won rather easily if he had played correctly, but he didn't and I had gobbled up a couple of his pawns before HE  offered a draw with 7 1/2 minutes on his clock to 10 1/2 for me."
George "Cashman" Cashell