
Daniel Lucas
Editor, Chess Life

Mr. Lucas:

Since you have nothing better to do with your time (LOL), when you have the opportunity, please read the following letter as well as the enclosed links. At least, maybe you'll get a chuckle out of it!

I have been a member of the USCF since 1970! I achieved the Title of National Master in 1984. In fact, I have dedicated a great portion of my life to chess. Yet, the reward has become somewhat bitter sweet...

I have no doubt that you are aware of the out-of-control "scholastic tournament gold rush" which pervades the entire country. In many cases, first time promoters have ignored state organization regulations and contested events which featured high entry fees, cheap trophies or unrealistically low scholarships and gigantic profits! Furthermore, the accounting for these events is rarely, if ever, made public. And, the profits continue to soar!

Unfortunately, our beloved state of North Carolina is no exception. Since 2009, I have been the flag bearer for a small group of concerned chess players who have openly challenged the organizers about the expenses, accounting and profits from these events, generally with no response. I shall therefore, ask that you read CCC Messages #607 & #608. -- In order to observe all CCC messages, you may click on our "Message Board" (http://www.charlottechess.com/mesaaaa.html)

The NCCA is no longer a democratic organization; nor has it been for years. Without going into great detail, it has morphed into a private cabal which remains under the spell of my greatest adversary, "Prof. Moriarty" or A. Wilder Wadford, an Attorney from Weaverville, NC who perpetually refers to himself as the NCCA Legal Adviser. Yet, he has somehow maintained iron clad control and hand chosen all of the officers for the past 10 years with the illegal use of un-certified "proxies" which have virtually guaranteed that his candidates always win?! The problem is, the incompetence, negligence and non-accountability of the current administration has become a major embarrassment to almost every chess player in the state?

When I was President of the North Carolina Chess Association in 1984-5, we had well over 300 members! Wadford's past few hand picked administrations have allowed the numbers to plummet to a modern time low of 41 regular members and 5 active life members?
There are almost 2,000 USCF members in the state of North Carolina. (See NCCA Members) -- The Charlotte Chess Club has 72 current members, most of whom are active. Look at the NCCA Website (http://www.ncchess.org/) and then look at the CCC Website! (http://www.charlottechess.com/)

Recently, after inquiring as to why the Charlotte Chess Club was not listed on the NCCA Club Listing and Upcoming Events list, a new CCC member received the following "cut & paste" answer from the Vice President:

On Mar 8, 2016, at 10:59 AM, VPChessPig@aol.com wrote:
"The Charlotte Chess Club has been under sanction since 2009 due to club president Leland Fuerstman's libeling of past president Randy Wheeless. Mr. Fuerstman has since gone on to libel numerous other people such as Gary Newsom, Thad Rogers, Wilder Wadford...... and pretty much everyone who has served the NCCA in any capacity over the last few years. As a result the NCCA does not recognize Leland Fuerstman or his personal business interest, the Charlotte Chess Club until Mr. Fuerstman corrects his actions." Jeff "Pig Jones, Vice President
In fact, the above statement is libel in of itself! Neither I, nor the CCC are  currently under ANY sanction by the NCCA nor has he any documentation to prove otherwise. Nor have I ever been cited, tried nor convicted of libel of anyone in a court of law!? In fact, the agreement authored by Wadford in 2010 and endorsed by all parties involved mentions nothing about further sanctions? (See Msg526a) It only states that NMLF is "not eligible to be an NCCA member at this time. And, that was because I renounced my Life Membership for good reason. Guess what?! As long as the current regime is in charge, I don't care to be a member. (like most of the previous officers and other chess dignitaries around the state who have chosen not to renew). But, the CCC should still have the right, like other non-members to post our club and tournament information).

I am a journalist, just like you, Mr. Lucas. I have a right and a responsibility to share information with the chess public about the "often questionable" goings on of their so called state "chess leaders." In order to protect myself, my style of journalism never accuses anyone of anything. I have only asked "embarrassing questions" which all of the sterling knights in shining armor named in Jones' response have continued to refuse to answer. Subsequently, I have been branded as "persona non grata" by these valiant protectors of NC chess!? ...simply because I asked questions and voiced my opinion. (remember Michael Valvo...)

Last year, an individual non-affiliated promoter made an estimated profit of over $30,000 for conducting the 2015 NC Scholasitcs. This year, the NCCA took over the task and generated over $40,000! So far, absolutely no accounting has been provided for anyone to see.

uestion: What steps must the CCC take to challenge the NCCA for the right to become the official state affiliation. Some members are concerned that, among other things, the NCCA has failed to comply with the NC rules governing non-profit organizations and the associated tax laws. They are also concerned that the annual state invitational will once again be neglected?

Any suggestions by you would be greatly appreciated.

Very respectfully,

NM Leland Fuerstman
Charlotte Chess Club