"Current Roster"
Aug 2014 Supplement
Name, City, Image, E-mail, rating,
gain/loss since 0814, state ranking, winning %, CCC & USCF Expiration
- The CCC has 76 currently paid members -
Check Your CCC & USCF Expiration Dates!
CCC Renewal $20.  Due 0914:
  George Cobb, Matthew Wafford, Clarence Walton
Points Gained Since 0814
Lorenzo Carter
Debs Pedigo
Rich Trela
Corey Frazier
Emmanuel Carter +89
If a violation of a rule of chess occurs during your game, immediately stop the clocks and "quietly" report it to the Director who will address the issue. TD
CCC Cell Phone Policy
Unless approved by the Director, after 7:30pm, the use of a cell phone in the playing area is strictly prohibited. First offense subtracts 10 minutes from violators clock; second offense may result in forfeiture of game.
TD a Player Himself
Time Control For McAlister's
All Sections: G75

The player with the Black pieces chooses whether to use "5 second time delay."

15G. Ownership of Scoresheets
"...scoresheets...property of the sponsoring organizer(s)"
16L. Possible Stipulations
"The Director may require that clocks face a certain direction or that  Black  sit on a particular side of the table..."
 Moving before button pushed
Legal Method for Adjusting Pieces
USCF Rule 10A, p.21, Adjustment of Pieces. "A player who is on the move and first expresses the intention to adjust...
Last 4 Issues of
"News & Views"
8-28 8-21
Games Wanted
Did You Lose a Piece?
The CCC has a mixed bag of odd pieces in case you have lost one. Also, have chess sets for sale. $20.
Many Used Chess Books For Sale! 

Upcoming Tournaments Around North Carolina
Attn TD's: Send Info For Free Listings!
Sep 10 - Oct 8
McAlisters IV
5-SS, G75, In 4 Sections:
$50 Top Section, FREE
 Entry other Sections

(Winners must have 3.5 points with no Byes)
EF: $5 for members or $8.
Round @ 7:30 pm Sharp!
(Current Crosstable)
Sep 27
Charlotte City Championship
--- Intend to Participate ---
Need More "B's" and "C's"
Oct 11
Greensboro Open

Oct 18
Live Chess Ratings!!
CCC Top Fourteen
"Most Recent Published Rating"
NM Shawn Pealer 2186
NM Pat Sciacca 2122
Daniel Cremisi
Emmanuel Carter 2115
Keith Eubanks 2088
Michael Kliber 2024
NM Leland Fuerstman 2005
George Melton
Bill Connell 1895
Paul Lucas
Daryl Gordon 1844
Bernard Baker 1821
Lorenzo Carter 1810
Eugene Tiselsky 1805
- Active CCC members Class "A" and above -

Buddha was asked, " What have you gained from meditation? He replied, "Nothing! However, let me tell you what I have lost: anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death..." Buddha
"If people are not laughing at your goals, then you have not set them high enough!" Anon
"The breakfast of champions is not cereal, it is the opposition!"
Nick Seitz

"I don't  give 'em hell; I just tell the truth, and they think it's hell!" 
Harry Truman

"Evil will previal when good men stand silent"  Edmund Burke
"You don't stop playing when you get old; you get old when you stop playing!" Benjamin Franklin
Here is the only truth:  "We are the pawns of the mysterious game of chess played by God,  who moves us,  stops us,  shifts us ahead,  and soon picks us up one after the other and gathers us in the same box of  Nothing."
Omar Khayyam 1040 ad

"Chess grips its exponent, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom and independence of even the strongest character cannot remain unaffected." Albert Einstein
"Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason.  Poets do not go mad;  but chess-players do".
—Chesterton, The Maniac (1908).

"Adversity reveals character" James Lane Allen
"the chess playing of a master ties him to the game, fetters his mind and shapes it to a certain extent so that his internal freedom and ease, no matter how strong he is, must inevitably be affected."  Spinoza
"One bad move nullifies 40 good moves."  Horowitz
"The older I grow, the more I value my pawns."  Keres
"Morphy was probably the greatest genius of them all."  Fischer
"I thinks it's almost definite
that the game of chess is a draw theoretically."  Fischer

"There is never 'always' anything
in chess; save for one's consideration for the exception!" 
NM Leland Fuerstman

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man."
George Bernard Shaw
"The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself.  It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others;
it is in yourself alone."
Orison Swett Marden

"Personally,  I don't believe in superstition... It's bad luck!? Groucho Marx
"What's the use of happiness?
It can't buy you money?!"
Henny Youngman

"Don't  worry about avoiding temptation... as you grow older,
it will avoid you!"

Winston Churchill
"A sure way to lose something you really want, is to desire it too much."  anonymous
"Love can not be found where love does not exist; and love is never hidden where love really is" anonymous
"If you have enemies; good. That means you stood up for something during your life..."
Winston Churchill
“The more you play, the more beauty you are able to see.”
Alexander Stripunsky

"The side which stays within it's fortification is beaten"

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition
from weak minds."
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
"The belly, when not restrained,  destroys the virtue of the soul."
Pope Gregory the Great
Who is winning   these CCC events? 
(Click Here)
Game of the Week!
Personal Chess Manager
I did not know that!!?
The CCC has 76 current members. This is our 172nd  5 Rd event. Highest total of players for 1 Rd is 48. Highest 5 Rds is 78 Highest total unique hits in 1 day 173
Links to Other Chess Sites
Charlotte Chess Center
NM Shawn Pealers Website
Greensboro Chess Club
Tapia's Squarology
Dana Mackenzie Blog!
Asheboro Chess Club
South Carolina CA
Spartanburg CC
Yahoo Game Server
Bill Wall's Chess Page
MonRoi Personal Chess Mgr.
Robert Salas UFO 1967
Fast PC Repair!
--- Virus Removal and Clean-up ---
Have computers; Will travel
Refurbished Computer w/software - Starting at:
 $139 Delivered!!

Fast PC Repair!

Ideas Worth Spreading

Sam Fuerstman - Street
Sammy F. & Posse
Want some of the Street Champ!?




Official Website of the "Original"
windyCharlotte Chess Clubwindy
- Charlotte, North Carolina, USA - Founded in 1981 -
Today is Chessday, Sep 24, 2014
This Site had 85 unique visitors yesterday!
This site has been visited  times since April 1, 2002
--- Click on numbers above for "GoStats!" ---

 * Charlotte City Championship This Saturday, September 27! Eubanks Finishes Clear 1st Place in RA41 with 2.5-.5 * Pealer, Cremisi Lead Top Section of McAlister's IV with 2-0*

The Charlotte Chess Club has 76 currently paid members!
windyWelcome to the CCCwindy
 Greetings from Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Earth to everyone out there in cyberia, and welcome to the Charlotte Chess Club website. On this page, which is continuously updated, we will report a weekly synopsis of the previous meeting to include current standings, annotated games, Sinanovic's Puzzle and other interesting anecdotes for your reading, viewing, and listening pleasure. We welcome your contributions and comments.
This Website is provided by NM Leland Fuerstman, Editor
windyScroll down for Weekly "News & Views" Articlewindy

The Charlotte Chess Club is open to players of every race, color, creed, national origin, gender, religion, political affiliation or galaxy!  As a CCC member, you are expected to treat your fellow members equally, with dignity and respect regardless of skill level or experience. In accordance with the standards of good sportsmanship, all members are asked to shake hands before and after each game! If during play, a possible rules violation occurs, you must first, stop your clock and report the situation to the Tournament Director. (A loud verbal confrontation over the rules is a distraction to everyone) The TD will make the necessary ruling.  If a noise distraction occurs, you may stop your clock, turn to the "minor noise violators" and silently place your finger over your lips! After the "talkers" acknowledge your complaint, you resume your game. All post mortem analysis must be moved to an area away from games still in progress. Anyone who violates these rules will receive 10 lashes with a wet noodle... Have fun!!  NMLF
The Charlotte Chess Club, an Independent Affiliate
of the USCF meets each Wednesday evening at 6:30pm
(or as early as 5:30 for some!)
at the

4805 Park Rd. Charlotte, NC 28209
(East on Woodlawn Rd, right on Park Rd. 2blks on L at Seneca Pl)
  Primarily an "adult" club, the CCC conducts a perpetual 5 round tournament with one round being played each Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm sharp! The time control is G75 - Entry fee is $5. ($8 for non-members) $50 Top Section, FREE Entry other Sections. - (Winners must have 3.5 points with no byes). The Annual club membership fee is $25. Current members receive $5 discount. (Note: Non-members who pay a $25 EF to participate in CCC Saturday events receive $5 credit toward membership for each event entered!) The venue guarantees a private area with padded chairs and a lamp over each table! - 2 players per table!! "Wi-Fi," great menu and prices, direct parking for 100 cars! and very friendly crew! --- (Management requests that you purchase your meal at McAlister's Deli) --- Join us to participate in casual play as well as USCF rated games. If you are not playing in the tournament, your first visit is FREE! Non-members, who have visited more than once, and play off-hand games are required to pay $3. The CCC occasionally sponsors a bi-monthly 3 rd. Swiss and other special tournaments. For schedule see "Upcoming Events" In order to compete in "Tournament Competition" and join the CCC or USCF simply show up at the site!
(Current Crosstable)

 Note: Non-members will be preempted by Members who arrive before 7:30pm! If you're running late, call or text 704-965-8931 and we'll work you in! LF
Explanation of "Weekly Tournament Competition"
The CCC conducts a perpetual 5 round tournament with one round being played each Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. sharp! The time control is G75 - All players who compete in tournament competition are required to be members of the United States Chess Federation.  Regardless of  which round(s) one chooses to enter, a player only gets credit for the game(s) he actually plays. There is no penalty for not showing up; it is simply counted as an unplayed game. - If you're running late, call me at 704-965-8931 and I'll pair you! McAlister's stays open til 10:30pm.
windyMessage Boardwindy
Msg. from past President NM Neal Harris
Proxies Must Be Abolished; Absentee Ballots Approved!
Jeffrey Mason Jones Revisited
3-11-2002: "If Jeff Jones were to desire office in the NCCA again, I would have grave reservations about his ability to carry out his duties and I would recommend revisiting his actions during his tenure for further review and making the membership aware of his clearly unbusinesslike decisions." -- A. Wilder Wadford, Esq.
8-24-13: Msg514: The Ugly Nature of Chess Politics in NC
Behavior Versus Opinion
NCCA Elections... Oct 4 at 1pm!
* Chess Tweet * Chess Tweet *
Team Carter needs a ride from Monroe to the club and
back this evening. If you can help,
E-mail them at g.glory1@aol.com and you will play for FREE!
Congratulations to Debs Pedigo (1260) who finished clear 1st Place in the U1400 Seciton of RA41 with 2.5-.5 and gained 58 rating points!
Kudos to Expert Keith "Chucky" Eubanks (2088) who finished clear 1st Place in the Top of RA41 with 2.5-.5.
Congratulations to NM Pat "Kahn" Sciacca (2122) who finished =1st-3rd in Asheboro 93 with 2.5-.5.

NMLF 4-15-14 262.2 -- 9-7-14 231.8 (-30.4 lbs!)
"Live" List of FIDE Top 2700+
windyUpcoming Eventswindy
Attn TD's:  Send info for FREE listing to charlottechessclub@gmail.com
windyResult of All Previous CCC Events!windy
Sinanovic's Puzzle of the Week
White Mates in 3!!
Note: Round Begins at 7:30 pm sharp! Time control G75  EF:$5
( Black pieces decide whether or not to use "Time Delay")
windyCCC News & Views 9-18-14windy
Pealer, Cremisi Lead Top; Hand, Little "B"; Frazier "C"; Rainford, Shirlen, Highley Lower Section of McAlister's IV
Charlotte, NC 9-17-14: A stronger turnout of 28 of the most competent calculators in the city converged upon this think tank more commonly known as McAlister's Deli in order to participate in Rd:2 of  McAlister's IV. I am elated to report that for the past few weeks at the CCC, the members have had the most fun before, during and after their game than I can remember for some time! Everyone was talking, laughing, eating "big" cookies, demonstrating postmortem brilliancies and thoroughly enjoying themselves!! (and, we all know why!) In the Top Section, the CCC's #1 player NM Shawn "P Diddy" Pealer (2186) squared off against Team Columbia Expert Keith "Chucky" Eubanks (2072) who missed an early middle game crusher and finally overstepped the time limit to share the lead with 14 year old Expert Daniel Cremisi (2121) who held steady against the advances of Paul "Survivalist" Lucas (1856) and finally prevailed in the end, each leading with 2-0. Meanwhile, the pride of Mint Hill, ex-member of the NCCA Hall of Fame, NM Leland "Ennui" Fuerstman (2029) endured a blistering attack against Expert Michael "Bolton" Kliber (2024) but somehow regrouped and launched his own brand of counter attack (See Game 1384) which resulted in the latter player being clobbered with checkmate!! In addition, superhero Daryl "Flash" Gordon (1852) outplayed "Big George Melton (1917) (See Game 1386) as NM Pat "Kahn" Sciacca (2122) ran his clock down to 2 seconds while his opponent "Wild" Bill Connell (1895) had 3 seconds (See Game 1385) remaining (with 5 second time delay) resulting in Draw! In the "B" Section, "Little" Joe Little (1623) defeated Mikey "Trout" Trott (1458) to share the lead with Marnzell "Pat" Hand (1600) who won the exchange against "Smokin" Corey Frazier (1523) but blundered in the end each leading with 1-1. In addition, Dr. Ron "Dutch" Breukelaar (1773) split the point with Dave "Dawuud" Richards (1627). In the "C" Section, Frazier leads with 2-0. In the Lower Section, FSC student Claude "Rainman" Rainford (1208) made good use of his "chess lessons" and promptly upset Byron Butler (1387) while, Jacob Highley (900) welcomed back Emmanuel Cooper (827) and Joe Shirlen (842) took care of Michael Lyons (398) each with 2-0. In addition, Eric "Truth" Hartung (1200) beat down Rich "Alert" Trela (1119) while Debs Pedigo (1208) returned with a vengeance by defeating Francois Gros (1192). Welcome back, Debs! In order to observe all results see "Current Crosstable." The Charlotte Chess Club has relocated to McAlister's Deli, 4805 Park Rd. Round begins at 7:30 sharp! So, get there early and enjoy a wonderful meal or dine while you play! Long live the CCC!!
Top 10
Sciacca Lessons
Lost & Found - For Sale
windyCCC Historywindy
USCF Rating Estimator
windyUSCF Current Ratingwindy
windyTop 200 Players in NCwindy
Old Games Archive
McAlister's III Results
Knights Templar VIII Results
Freddy's Old Friend "Rocky" Racoon
Lorde Looks Just Like Him!
Rocky Licking Sweet Potatos Off His Nose!
and "Opie" Opossum!
and Sally Squirrel!
After meeting Big Al, Lorde Climbs to the Catbird Seat!!
When was he last time you cried "tears of joy?!"
"This isn't a personal vendetta, 007. It's an assignment like any other. And, if you can't treat it as such, coldly and objectively, than 008 can replace you..." M
Archive of 2011-12 GM Games
I Did Not Know That!?
Who is the youngest person ever to become Grandmaster?
Guitar Portrait - Buster B. Jones
Beethoven's 9th!! - Frank Vignola
Are You From Dixie - Scotty Anderson
Sweet Georgia Brown - Scotty Anderson
See You in My Dreams - Scotty Anderson
"All I Found" - Cordovas - Joe Firstman
Joe Maphis Pickin' and Singin'!!!
Get a Room...
Quick Change!!!
Let's Have a Beer!
Ode to Doc - LF
Dueling Banjos - Lester Flatt
One Guitar, Two Players!
One Guitar, Two Players!!
Steve Kaufman vs Competition
Art Tatum - I've Got Rhythm
 The Cordovas w/Joe Firstman
Everything Reminds Me of You
Jewel & Joe Firstman
Breakdown - Jerry Reid & Chet Atkins
Tiger Rag - Art Tatum
Church Street Blues - Tony Rice
Streetcorner Symphony - Carl Fuerstman
"Brick House" - Carl Fuerstman
"Gather All Your Fears" - Joe Firstman
"Any Way" - Joe Firstman
"Breakin' All the Ground"- Joe Firstman
"Chasin' You Down" - Joe Firstman
"Tin Cans & Tear Drops" - Joe Firstman
"Disaster" - Joe Firstman
"Gasoline" - Kicking Harold
Bangor Daily News 8-10-85
Loch Ness Monster Surfaces!
"Batman"  -  Stefano Barone
Ricky Skaggs with Del McCoury Band
"Deep River Blues"  -  Leo Kottke
"Deep River Blues" -  Doc Watson
"Guitar Boogie" Tommy Emmanuel
"Answer"  -  Sarah McLachlan
2009 NHRA Top Fuel Eliminator
National Champion Tony Schumacher
HR8791 "...due to their enormous
size and other worldly strengths..."

Strict Parking Laws in Chicago!
I hate it when this happens!!
SR-71 Blackbird - Mach 3.2 - 2,200mph
Rube Goldberg
UFO Seen From Helicopter in NYC!!
Adm. Byrd Expedition?!
Hitler Escaped!
             V  W    Y  Z
